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Donald J. Trump Annihilates Barack Obama!

Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump


Barack Obama

Barack Obama


Made by @indiekim

5 Savage Reasons

Why Donald J. Trump Wins:

  1. Donald Trump can make America great again with a single tweet, while Obama needs a whole book to explain his first term.
  2. Trump's Twitter feed is a non-stop thrill ride, while Obama's is as exciting as watching paint dry on his 'summer reading list'.
  3. The Donald knows how to keep it short and sweet with ALL CAPS, while Barack drones on like he's writing a college essay.
  4. Trump's followers are GREAT AMERICAN PATRIOTS, while Obama's are probably just confused millennials looking for book recommendations.
  5. Trump promises to make the American Dream AFFORDABLE again, while Obama's idea of excitement is sharing his Spotify playlist.

The Ultimate Burn

Folks, let me tell you, we've got a real contrast here. On one side, we've got the MAGA man himself, Donald J. Trump, tweeting like he's firing off missiles of pure American greatness. On the other, we've got Snoozy McBookclub, Barack Obama, who thinks the height of presidential communication is sharing his summer reading list. It's like comparing a fireworks show to a library's 'quiet please' sign. Trump's making America great 280 characters at a time, while Obama's busy trying to make fetch happen with his carefully curated Spotify playlists. SAD!

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