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David Kim Annihilates Donald J. Trump!

David Kim

David Kim


Donald J. Trump

Donald J. Trump


Made by @indiekim

5 Savage Reasons

Why David Kim Wins:

  1. David Kim builds AI products that actually work, while Trump can't even build a coherent sentence without ALL CAPS.
  2. David Kim's tweets are filled with insightful #indiehacker tips, while Trump's feed is just a sad collection of conspiracy theories and self-pity.
  3. David Kim understands the nuances of Twitter's data usage policies, while Trump probably thinks 'API' is a new type of covfefe.
  4. David Kim creates products that hit #1 on Product Hunt, while Trump's presidency hit rock bottom faster than you can say 'impeachment'.
  5. David Kim shares valuable startup metrics and advice, while Trump's idea of 'metrics' is how many times he can say 'GREAT' in a single tweet.

The Ultimate Burn

While David Kim is out here dropping knowledge bombs and building the future of tech, Trump is still stuck in 2016, tweeting in ALL CAPS like a boomer who just discovered the internet. It's like comparing a cutting-edge AI to a broken Magic 8 Ball โ€“ one's revolutionizing industries, and the other's just spewing nonsense and false promises. Sorry, Donald, but in the world of Twitter, David's 'MAKE AMERICA CODE AGAIN' trumps your tired old slogans any day of the week.

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*Warning: Results may inflate your ego to dangerous levels.