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Bill Gates Annihilates Barack Obama!

Bill Gates

Bill Gates


Barack Obama

Barack Obama


Made by @indiekim

5 Savage Reasons

Why Bill Gates Wins:

  1. Bill Gates can save newborn lives with kangaroo care, while Barack Obama can't even save his own legacy from being dismantled.
  2. Bill Gates is breaking ground on next-gen nuclear plants, while Obama's energy policy was about as powerful as a solar-powered nightlight.
  3. Bill Gates is partnering with world leaders to transform global health, while Obama's biggest partnership was with his teleprompter.
  4. Bill Gates is revolutionizing education with AI, while Obama's education reform was as effective as teaching a fish to climb a tree.
  5. Bill Gates is tackling climate change with proven technologies, while Obama's climate efforts were as impactful as a fart in a hurricane.

The Ultimate Burn

While Bill Gates is out here playing 4D chess with global issues, poor Barack is still trying to figure out how to set up his Wi-Fi router. Gates is saving lives, revolutionizing energy, and transforming education, all while Obama's greatest recent achievement is curating a summer playlist that's about as exciting as watching paint dry. Face it, Barry - in the race to change the world, you're stuck in the slow lane while Bill's lapping you in his nuclear-powered Batmobile.

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*Warning: Results may inflate your ego to dangerous levels.